Written on Mar 4, 2016
Everything just happened so fast. Considering the gravity of Clara's situation, it was so hard to believe that everything got resolved so easily. The matter with Samjeeza, Asael, and Tucker. Here are my concerns:
*The stuff that went down in Hell and what happened afterwards in the Lazy Dog barn were so laughable. As what this book has shown, defeating Asael, believed to be one of the most despicable Fallen after Lucifer himself, was, afterall, just a walk in the park. The way the buildup was done, I assumed that an epic battle was going to happen between Clara's team and that of Asael's, instead, it was over before you even realized it.
* At this point, Clara's romance with Tucker was even weird taking into account all that has happened. It was more probable for her to end up with Christian.
*Another thing that really irked me was Clara's relationship with her brother, Jeffrey. Their relationship felt so superficial that it was easier to believe that instead of a brother, Clara actually had a sister in the person of Angela.
The only thing that I can truly praise about this book is that it's not as bad as that horrible ending of the Mortal Instruments, City of Heavenly Fire.