Baroness Book Trove
Written on Feb 1, 2019
To love and to cherish…
Trouble’s Wedding Caper by Jen Talty is a whimsical mystery about weddings and how the bride and groom aren’t always right for each other. However, don’t fret as Trouble is there to make sure that the couple that belongs together will make it through.
At the start of the book, Tammy Lynn and Trouble are watching the royal wedding of Prince Harry to Meghan Markle on television, and he is upset with the sensationalized commentary about Meghan’s family and the whole drama that the American media is placing on the wedding. I have to agree with Trouble’s assessment of that situation. Anyway, this leads us into lots of wedding stuff, and it turns into quite the caper.
Annabel Wilder
Our female lead is Annabel. She is the maid of honor at her best friend, Rosie’s wedding. Although, the day is extremely happy for Rosie and Chip, the day isn’t for Annabel as she catches her boyfriend in a compromising position that ends their relationship. This act causes Annabel to return home to Jupiter, Florida.
Annabel is a realtor but must study and pass the Florida realtor’s exam before she can begin that. So, in the meantime, she decides to do some treasure hunting. Think Storage Wars without the wars and that type of drama, but with lots of found treasure.
I liked Annabel from the beginning. She is witty and open. She loves her friend Rosie and is extremely happy for her. I also thought that her moving back to her hometown was a good move. Oh, and her curiosity rivaled Troubles. Annabel just seemed to have it together even though she was getting over a broken heart and had just relocated her life.
Ethan Ferris
Our other lead is Ethan. Ethan is Rosie’s brother and the best man at her wedding. The wedding that also ended Ethan’s engagement to fiancée as he caught her in another compromising situation. However, Ethan also has moved on or is at least trying to move on from his lost engagement. He is also a Police officer in Jupiter and seems to do very well for himself.
I liked Ethan pretty much right away too. He is the classic “boy next door.” Super dreamy with a heart of gold. I think that he has always liked Annabel he just didn’t realize it. Oh, and he is a cat guy so kudos for liking and being respectful to Trouble. However, his one downfall is he is a bit overprotective, but that could have to do with his job, but I think it is more of his personality.
In this installment, Trouble is staying with Annabel while Tammy Lynn is appraising some antique books. Our black cat detective was rather enjoying his vacation when these wedding-related incidents started happening around Annabel.
Trouble was so resourceful with finding clues to help find the culprit who was stealing any wedding related items. He also keeps Annabel safe whenever possible. I wasn’t sure who was more protective, Trouble or Ethan.
These wedding capers kept me guessing. I figured out who was the thief; I just couldn’t figure out why until all of the clues were put together. In some ways I felt sorry for the thief, it hurts to have your heart broken, even if the other person didn’t mean to do it. We all make bad decisions at times, and so do lots of people.
5 Stars for Trouble’s Wedding Caper by Jen Talty
My rating Trouble’s Wedding Caper by Jen Talty is five stars. The story is wonderfully written; the characters were superb, with lots of depth and feelings and the mystery well thought out. I loved the way that the clues were put in there. I adored it.
Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Trouble's Wedding Caper by Jen Talty.
Anyways, until next time,
Happy Reading!
This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove