Canadian Girl Book Blog
Written on Mar 12, 2020
Maddie is trying to figure out how to pick her life back up after her divorce and is finding it difficult when her ex will not give her anything other than a traitor, a shell of a house or leave her alone. Conner is a writer trying to put his life back together after a string of bad press and miss information and get his writing back on track. Connor gets the spark he needs to start writing again after meeting Maddie and Maddie is intrigued by the mystery that is Connor Charles.
When We Let Go was full of mystery, suspense, laughs, smiles and tears. I experienced every emotion while reading this novel. Connor and Maddie were perfect for each other in the rebuild of their lives after the lows that they had experienced. This was my first novel by Delancey Stewart and will not be my last. When We Let Go is a re-write of Love Rebuilt, it is the first novel in the Kings Grove series and is told from the first-person point of view.