Written on Jul 21, 2017
So already in the prologue, we get pages and pages of this guy whining about being in love with ZOEY his best friends wife. Apparently, Zoey and Declan have invited Jared as a third into their bed on several occasions, and now the loser is all in wovy dovy with her and has to leave because he can't stand to see them so happy. Blah...Blah...Blah. Dude even sheds tears as he leaves! SO OMG, already I feel the heroine is second best, and we haven't even met her yet!
But OK, we are now six months in the future, and the heroine comes into play. Oh, the hero is STILL whinging about Zoey now and then, but I was warming up to him and Naomi unitl... Declan calls to tell the hero Zoey is pregnant. For a few seconds the hero thinks "maybe it's mine" and gets all excited (WHAT THE EVER LOVING FUCK!) Alas no it isn't his, so what does he do? He blows off Naomi and goes and gets drunk. Naomi finds him and cleans up his vomit and puts him to bed etc. Now, if that wasn't bad enough, this little diddy then takes place...
He wanted to apologize for last night and then this morning. He shouldn’t have touched her this morning. He’d woken from a dream—a memory, really—of one of his first times with Zoey, and a boner the size of Texas. He’d taken advantage of Naomi, used her to screw Zoey out of his system"
That is right folks! He was dreaming of fucking ZOEY. Woke up with a boner and proceeded to fuck Naomi saying Zoey's name at the end and then basically rolling off her and treating her like a whore.
Realy author...REALLY?! Did you think that wouldn't ruin EVERYTHING you have been trying to build between the hero and the heroine? Because it ruined it for ME. And of course, guess who then shows up on the island...you guessed it ZOEY. Because of course, she did, because I hadn't reached my fucking limit on the whole ZOEY thing.
Sure, the author tries to sell us that the hero has a sudden epiphany and realizes that the love he felt for ZOEY is now only just that of a friend and he REALLY loves the heroine. Ya, sorry, not buying what you are selling. The heroine deserved a WAY better hero than she got in this book that is for sure. Especially considering her history. She should have snagged herself one of the other 50000 hot Doms that populated that damn island.