Baroness Book Trove
Written on May 24, 2016
Jack and Pippa have been through a lot in this book and through every terrible turn that they went through, I just wanted to jump into the book to help them through it. Thankfully that didn’t have to happen as it ended up being good for the two of them after a lot of time. I felt bad for these two throughout the whole book since they went through losing someone to a strained relationship to almost ending their relationship but thankfully none of that ended up happening. Much like the other relationships in the Aspen Valley series they have a happy ending once again.
Well most relationships, Finn and Tash didn’t really get their happy ending, but that’s okay as Finn and Lucy ended up having one. Well one that they tried to avoid at first since Lucy had a boyfriend and that relationship didn’t last very long at all. Finn and Lucy’s relationship has been a very interesting one in the whole series but I ended up loving the two of them together. Lucy is a great addition to the series even if she came into it in the last book.
Chasing the Wind by Hannah Hooton is such a great book that I am giving it a five butterflies rating. This story has made the characters even more real as they deal with the life issues that are thrown at them. I truly felt like I was a part of this wonderful world. I loved this story and I am glad that I had this opportunity to read this series.
Overall I would recommend reading Chasing the Wind by Hannah Hooton to everyone (at least adults to read it, it is a little much for the young adults).
Anyways until the next time enjoy this book review brought to you by
Baroness’ Book Trove.
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