Baroness Book Trove
Written on Mar 28, 2015
This is my third time trying to read this book and I finally succeeded -does a happy dance-. Again though like the first two times I kept on falling asleep when I was reading it. And no. Most of the times I wasn't curled up in bed reading it. Let's just say that I felt like we were droning on and on until the first murder happened. Well even after that it felt like we were droning on.
I didn't feel like that until after we got to the second murder and then it felt like things were getting better. I only read this book as a recommendation from my aunt, mom, and sister. I still don't know if I am going to be reading the other ones. I mean the book was good but I also guess it is because I am not used to this type of writing style. I just don't know if I will be able to get through the other ones. This book is a good one but not great. I am only going to give it three stars. It lost one when I fell asleep while reading it and it lost another one by the great droning on. So it's left with three stars from me.
I know I probably shouldn't be this harsh to it but I just didn't feel all that great with this book really. So yeah please read my other reviews and comment.