Written on Feb 20, 2019
A puppy, a toddler, a three-year-old. Fishing. So completely adorable! I could just picture the events in my head as these girls experienced their first fishing trip.
Cam was such a sweet, yet hurting man. Despite the terrible memories he had for this small town, when he heard his sister had died and left two little girls behind he dropped everything and headed back to help however he could. Of course, he had no idea what that would end up meaning!
He was the type of guy who did thoughtful things. Like the date he took Juliet on. He was also the clueless kind of man who brought home a new puppy for the girls without thinking about asking his new wife what she thought of the idea. Oops!
The struggles that Cam had in accepting the fact that anyone could care for him rang true. His difficulty in accepting the value he had in Christ despite the fact that he was a Christian and knew the Lord is one that many people face. . .
I really enjoyed Juliet and her siblings. The fact that all of them had such hearts for kids, and especially foster children. Aww! I can't believe her mother was so clueless as to give her the gift she did. Yikes!
There were a number of surprises including the custody issue. Not the fact that it was resolved - this is the kind of book I knew that would happen. It was the manner in which the situation was resolved that was the surprise.
I was a little disappointed that there was no mention of Cam's need to forgive. Despite the way he had been wronged, forgiveness isn't optional. It's a command. Not that I think he should have acted differently in the situation at the end of the book - that was truly the choice that made the most sense. It's just that the need to forgive was not addressed at all.
As the fourth book of the Family Blessings series, there were many characters from previous books here - Jules has a big family. While it didn't affect my enjoyment of the story that I don't know the backstories, it was clear that I had missed out by not having read the previous books.
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I was given a copy of this book. I was not required to give a favorable review nor was any money received for this review. All comments and opinions are my own.