Written on Oct 3, 2019
****3.5 Stars****
I can't pinpoint why, but I found myself more disgusted than scared of these Mafia men. Sure, I'm told that they kill and do horrible things but I didn't really feel it. If anything, the worse they did was make sleazy comments to women. There was a little pushing and shoving but I can get that in any contemporary romance. No one was tied to a chair, left in a windowless room for hours then intimidated into "talking". I guess that Black Sheep just wasn't what I expected.
Black Sheep is about a woman going undercover to infiltrate the mafia and find out who killed her father. The wig, contact lenses and heavy makeup don't hide her good looks and she soon comes under the radar of a man...a bad man. This is not how she planned to find out their secrets but she's willing to do whatever it takes to get answers. If she can only keep her heart from falling for the Black Sheep.
We get half the story in Black Sheep and we are left dangling at the end to suck us back for more in White Knight. This is something I've come to expect from Meghan March. While I'm not a fan of getting half stories, her loyal fans seem to love the torture. Fortunately for me, both books are out and I was able to listen to them as part of my Audible Escape package.
The narrators do a great job bringing this story to life and I found it very easy to listen to.
I will be back to find out how it all plays out but admit to a wee bit of eye-rolling with the insta-love between the hero and heroine. Hopefully, I'll be satisfied that their love is the real deal.