Suz @ Bookish Revelations
It was incredibly easy for me to get sucked into this story right away, because the Stampler's writing style just flowed really well and I found myself enjoying the book quite a bit, although there were moments where I cringed a bit at a couple of things that were happening. I found myself enjoying how beautifully written the story was, how the sadness tinged the pages and somehow began to wake up my feels, and how it reminded me of what it was like growing up around other's who experienced some of the things Emma, Siobahn, and other's did. Stampler does a brilliant job of telling a story of self-growth and discovery, mingled with complicated lies, betrayal, friendship, and loyalty.
I was drawn in completely by Emma the Good versus Emma the Conflicted. The flaws were real and her constant struggle with reconciling the always dutiful good girl her father expected her to be and the Emma breaking free and becoming reckless, was approached in such a way that it was easy to relate to her character and inner struggles, even if you weren't ever truly faced with that situation before. Readers will appreciate the realism written between the pages and how it brings the characters to life in many ways, lending so much more depth and interesting facets to them. There's a wild and intense fervor hidden beneath the pages of this complicated lesson in morality and realism. that's an inherent part of who Siobhan really is underneath the cover of her nasty disguise.
The twists and turns with the story Afterparty has to tell, will keep readers on the edge of their seats waiting to see what happens next. It's full of intense emotion and suspense, written in such a way that it's a fast paced enjoyable read, that isn't too extremely heavy but hits home with all of the necessary elements it needs to make its message clear. One of the most appreciative things about this book, is the way in which Stampler deals with peer pressure among friends and non-friends. If you're looking for a book that reads like some sappy after-school special, then this isn't the book I would suggest to you. If you are looking for a book that deals with everyday struggles that a teen goes through from peer pressure, to dealing with betrayal in friendships, among other things then this is the book that I would suggest picking up.
Afterparty, might just surprise readers with how well written and relatable it is.