Written on May 1, 2011
I've had D. W. Marchwell's [b:Falling|7757447|Falling (Falling #1)|D.W. Marchwell|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1266619775s/7757447.jpg|10616772] on my to-be-read bookshelf for quite some time and have finally allowed myself to read it. You see, I love Mr. Marchwell's books and ration them just as I would any delicious confection... anticipation just enhances my enjoyment that much more!
This is a slow, sweet love-story, focusing on Scott, an openly gay musican/songwriter, and Hank, the quintessential 'straight' logger. But as an extra bonus we also experience the love between brothers, Scott and Brian, a relationship I found to be very moving.
Thank you, D.W., for creating another set of characters that I have fallen in love with!