Written on Aug 21, 2017
The cover reveal for this book is tomorrow so I will hold off on my comments until then.
Holy Crack...am I loving this series. This book picks up right where we left off with book one. Morgan is fighting...Read more
The cover reveal for this book is tomorrow so I will hold off on my comments until then.
Holy Crack...am I loving this series. This book picks up right where we left off with book one. Morgan is fighting for her life and pouring her heart out in letters for her loved ones. Reid and company are trying to figure out where she is and The Wolf is still playing his twisted fucked up game with them all.
This is another relatively quick read, but I am pretty sure the author gave us quite a few hints. At least I *think* she did. I have a theory forming and time will tell if I am right or not. The writing (as with book one) continues to be fantastic. It was well-paced. There were HUGE twists and turns (boy were there). It had crazy moments. It had gut-wrenching moments. Lastly, we were left with yet another heck of a cliffhanger.
I am going to try and sit back and be patient and hope that book three will be coming my way soon. Two HUGE thumbs up from yours truly.