Written on Feb 18, 2018
My review for this one is going to be fairly short. After reading and reviewing (and loving) the previous three parts, I am starting to sound like a broken record (lol). Again, as with all the previous books...Read more
My review for this one is going to be fairly short. After reading and reviewing (and loving) the previous three parts, I am starting to sound like a broken record (lol). Again, as with all the previous books I enjoyed the hell out of this one. The writing remains awesome. The pace perfect. The plot continues to intrigue me. I want to say that I have figured out who is doing this to Morgan, but I am just not sure. I have a working theory as to the "who" and the "why" but some hints keep throwing me off. Ugh...I need part five NOW! This one gets two HUGE thumbs up from yours truly.