Quirky Cat
Written on Nov 2, 2018
The Flash: Starting Line is a DC Essentials collection. I personally love these collections, as they do a decent job of collecting the most important/popular plots. In this case the collection focuses more on all of the one-shot issues, but I think that made it stronger rather than weaker. I loved reading all of the shorter Flash stories contained within this volume.
The best part about it being all shorter plots is that it felt like we were reading the highlights, and that there was little time spent (or wasted) with duller and quieter moments. This is the Flash after all; I want to see him moving, moving, moving.
The other reason I love the collected editions is that you usually get more for your money. Here there are thirteen issues in total, but the cost is less than $25. You would not have gotten even close to that price buying the individual issues. Plus, while it doesn’t always happen, sometimes the collected editions end up at a higher value later, which is always nice. Especially for collectors.
I’ll admit that I haven’t read a lot of the Flash’s older series (I jumped in right around New 52), so I know I’ve been missing out on some of the classic plots. Because of that I really enjoyed getting a chance to get my toes wet, so to speak. I knew I’d enjoy this, but I hadn’t expected how much I’d end up liking some of the plots included.
I can safely say that newer readers will have no trouble understanding what is going on (again, I’ve read the two most recent series, so I have some knowledge, but it isn’t extensive). I also think its safe to say that fans of the older series will enjoy seeing these issues printed all together like this. I know I’d feel that way for any of my favorites at least.
The artwork was phenomenal. It’s easy to forget how bright and wonderful comics can be, especially with the trend towards darker and grungier styles (which I also enjoy, for the record). It’s a refreshing change, and honestly, it just feels so perfect for the Flash. I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.
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