Quirky Cat
Star Wars: Doctor Aphra Vol. 6: Unspeakable Rebel Superweapon may be a bit of a mouthful, but it is still a worthwhile read! Though I might be just a touch biased there, since Doctor Aphra is one of my favorite Star Wars characters to date (well, one of five, at least).
She was supposed to lie low. But then again, when has Doctor Chelli Aphra ever done what she was supposed to? Go ahead, name a time. I'll wait. Anyway, Aphra has a new plan in mind, one that should bring in a huge profit for her.
Assuming it works. Her plans don't usually work out the way she wants them to. It's a wonder that she keeps on trying. This time around, Doctor Aphra's adventures have an audience – one that will ultimately get to help decide her fate.
So, Doctor Aphra Vol. 6 has several really unique twists in it. I can see people either loving it, or hating it. Personally, I really enjoyed this entire plot arc, and the emotional and mental gymnastics that Aphra went through in the process.
One of the many things that I love about Doctor Aphra, aside from her tendency to get into tons of trouble, is how imaginative her series is. She doesn't feel like a spin-off character. She's her own character, through and through. Regardless of the fact that she hasn't made a single appearance in a movie, or even a show (though I'm totally okay with that changing someday).
She's a unique character, and gives her creative team a lot of opportunities to be creative, and show the more seedy parts of the Star Wars universe. All of which can be a total blast for the readers. I should probably get back to an actual review though, huh?
There are a lot of things to love about this volume. Learning the truth about Aphra's past, for one. Specifically, what happened with her mother. Getting a chance to see Aphra in a different situation than normal, where she was forced to actually, gasp, feel things!
This is a chaotic adventure, through and through. Something that the artwork really runs with as well, I'm pleased to report. The art looks like it belongs in the Star Wars universe – all without trying too hard, if you know what I mean.
In short, Doctor Aphra is and always will be one of my favorite Star Wars series (and yes, I know that this series has ended, but at least she has a new one!).
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