Quirky Cat
Written on Jul 9, 2017
Doctor Aphra is a spin off series from Darth Vader (hence her backstory with him), that being said you don’t actually need to have read all of Vader to understand what’s going on (I’m not up to date with it and I understood it fine). Her fear of him finding her again is pretty self-explanatory, and adds a sense of foreshadowing to the series.
Aphra and her dad are off on a quest to find proof of the Ordu Aspectu, something that her dad has been researching for Aphra’s whole life (if not longer). How did Aphra get involved, if this is her father’s quest? Blackmail of course. On their journey they come across a Jedi temple - the one almost destroyed by the battle of blank (which her father was completely unaware of – gives you a good idea of how focused/oblivious he is). So needless to say, if you’re a fan of Star Wars lore and history, this is the graphic novel for you.
Personally, I’ve always really loved the characters the blur the line between antagonist and protagonist. In Aphra’s case, she switches from antagonist to protagonist, while still holding some of the more…gray…morals of an antagonist. It makes for a really interesting character and storyline. Speaking of grayscale characters, Krrsantan; I would love to know more about this character and his backstory/goals.
What I really loved about this series was the addition of 0-0-0 and BT-1, they’re absolutely hilarious. I’ve never seen a protocol droid modified in the manner that 0-0-0 is, nor one so intent on harming others (the moment where he went out of his way – without orders – to kill somebody that was a threat to Aphra? My jaw dropped). BT-1 is pretty much in the same boat, as he considers a grenade perfectly aimed an effective manner of stalling somebody (well, technically he isn’t wrong…). The two of them together make a pretty interesting pair.
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