Again, McAdams gives us a broken female who men find irresistible. She leaves her miserable life in California and joins her "best friend" as he heads to Texas for college. There -- BAM! -- love at first sight. It may have been insta-love, but it is a courtship that is so difficult to watch. I was constantly yelling and almost threw my Kindle across the room.
Then, McAdams does her typical: create a character you fall in love with then do that! I will expound on what "that" is, because I hate reviewers who spoil the story. Let me just say, our (mine and McAdams') friendship was fragile at several points during this book. Don't get me wrong, this book has tons of humor and I got to laugh a lot. Not to mention, we had good ole Texas boys.
In the end, it had all the elements I needed: love, longing, lust, family, loyalty, friendship, pain, happiness, joy and an epilog that made me sigh with satisfaction.