Written on Sep 8, 2019
I’ve been a huge Jennifer Estep fan ever since I started reading her Elemental Assassin series back in 2011. She has won me over with wonderful characters, fun and action packed plots and interesting world-building. I’ve found that isn’t just limited to to Gin and the gang, but also in two other series that I’ve read from Estep, her YA series, Black Blade and her new fantasy series, Crown of Shards. So, it is about time to try her Bigtime series, which features superheroes and supervillains.
This series is a bit different from the three series I mentioned above, but not in a bad way. I think with this series (or at least from what I can tell from the first book), Estep really had fun showing her love of comic books with this story. Carmen’s life is turned upside down when she finds out that not only is her fiance sleeping with her best friend, on her wedding day, no less, he is also a superhero and her friend is a supervillain. Now Carmen is determined to unmask all heroes and villains alike. She sees them both as liars.
This is a fun start to a series. I grabbed this ebook a long time ago when it was a freebie, but it has sat collecting digital dust as I’ve gotten to where I’m listening a lot more than reading. But while on vacation, I decided it was a perfect time to figuratively dust off this ebook and give this series a try. I’m really glad I did. I was very entertained by the story and I found I want to know where Carmen goes from here.