Written on May 5, 2013
Dawson has some of the most amazing and breathtaking world building I've ever seen. Sang has got to be one of the most "real" places to read about. With her descriptions I feel like I've been there and seen these places. Smelled the smells. I just bow to her awesome.
I've already mentioned Casper, who, when not compared to Criminy, is a fabulous hero. But the heroine, Ahnastasia - Ahna for short - starts of as a hard to like character. Ok, she is a raving bitch and I kind of hated her and wanted her dead. But I am pretty sure that was the point. Because as the story moves along, she grew on me. I was even rooting for her at the end. I am one of those readers that first impressions stick, and it is hard for me to change my mind, but Dawson did it.
In the end, I would certainly suggest any of her books to anyone who likes a good sexy steam-punk story. Or vampires. Or just good quality story telling.