Beth C.
Written on Jan 27, 2015
It sometimes seems like books crafted around female characters, especially for the middle-grade group, can tend to be a bit forced. It's almost like the authors want so badly to have a book aimed towards girls that they forget it doesn't matter who the main characters are if the story itself is not any good. So I was curious about how well this story might work, particularly considering both characters (in fact, most *all* of the characters) are famous in their own right. Happily, the story works well.
The characters of Ada and Mary are well-written and interesting. There was a little bit of creative license used in having them close enough in age to be able to be friends and conspirators, but I didn't find it outlandish in any way. The story is fun and moves along at a fairly good pace, with all sorts of other fun characters involved in ways great and small - many of whom the reader may recognize.
As the first in a new series, this is an excellent beginning. Even better, it's a wonderful book to show my daughter that girls can be heroes, love math, and have adventures as well. That the girls happen to be famous in their own right? All the better. Definitely a book I will be showing to my daughter, and I will be looking for the next ones in the series.