Nessa Luna
Book two continues almost right after the first one ended, and it goes on for the rest of the books as well. That is something I like because I do think these books should have just been written as one long novel, instead of four (or even seven, I believe will be the full number) separate novellas.
As for the characters, Talise kind of grew on me after she realised she was not being very nice to everyone, though I still had my *deep sigh* moments after that. Her constant 'do I trust him, do I not trust him' towards Aedan made me want to bash my head (or hers) against a wall. Also her being the princess? Totally saw it coming. Hadn't expected her to *know* it though, so points for that.
The magic in this world was pretty cool and reminded me a lot of Avatar the Last Airbender. I loved the different parts of the body the elemental magic were supposed to come from and I do hope we'll see more magic in the future novellas.
The third story was the most exciting for me, as we started to see some action, but that one ended way too soon and then we got one more novella which left me unsatisfied.
All in all, I do think I'll be continuing with this series, but I do think I'll wait until the last novella has been released.