Written on Sep 14, 2017
All I can say is THANK GOD I have the next book ready to go. Holy that was a roller coaster of emotions! Once I started reading I couldn't put the book down. Like it was physically attached to my hands and wouldn't let me stop reading. I'm convinced magic is involved.
- I can't emphasize enough how much I love these characters. Most of them (besides the main character of course) start off being these minor characters and somehow slowly get involved with the MC and then BAM we have a super important character that you've now fallen in love with. It's sneaky and I love it.
- I found I enjoyed reading this second book more because we've gotten all the world building out of the way and can now focus on the plot more. Which means there was room for an EXCELLENT plot in this book. It was fast paced and always kept me on my toes. I tend to have a problem with plots being predictable and I don't know if it's because I was reading this so fast that I didn't have time for theories but I honestly could not predict where this plot was going.
- This is an example of a love triangle done well. If you can even consider this a love triangle? I can't say too much without giving stuff away but there's definitely two guys and the MC seems to be torn between them in one way or another. After finishing this book I'm pretty sure I know what direction it's going in but the author continues to surprise me so who knows. I just love how during these first two books I have NO CLUE who she's going to pick which I love. I'm rooting for one guy but I'm not confident he's going to win. Other times I'm so sure she'll pick him. I LOVE the feeling of not knowing!
I'm sure I could go on much longer but those were the main points I wanted to make. If you love paranormal romance and urban fantasy then I think you should give this series a try.
*I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*