Despite my issues with Sophie and Karen being too stupid to open their mouths (honestly, WHAT DID THEY THINK WAS GOING TO HAPPEN? Was it all magically going to disappear?!?!? HUH HUH HUH?!?!), I did really enjoy the story. It kept me gripped, wondering how it was going to go, what new secret was going to creep out next, and you felt like you couldn’t trust anyone, because nobody knew the meaning of the word truth. It was like they all took an oath to keep what happened that Saturday night secret forever, and I kind of liked Karen’s determination to figure it out (and I was massively surprised over who was involved!) It was very much a taut and tight thriller, and I definitely needed my wits about me to put the story together, because there was plenty going on.
What makes this an even more intriguing read is the fact that Karen is actually agoraphobic. Now, I know nothing about agoraphobia other than people don’t leave their house, because they panic and to see that in a main character was both intriguing (because I learnt so much) but also there was a part of me, a really bad part of me, that wanted to yell at Karen to just go outside and I know, I know, I know that that is not what you say to someone who can’t leave the house, but like Mike I just found it so frustrating, but I also understood it’s not as if Karen chose to stay at home, and she probably found it just as frustrating, and I felt bad for her, too, because that’s no life is it? That’s not the way to spend your life. I don’t always understand mental heath issues because I’ve never suffered with my mental health but having a main character who suffers really helps, and Sam really nailed that.
Saving Sophie really was an intriguing read. Yes, I got frustrated at times, but ultimately I could barely put this book down. Although, Sam, why did you do what you did to the dog? I just WHY?!?!?!?! I’m going to do a Hermione and start a protection agency for dogs in thrillers. Any animals in thrillers. THEY DESERVE BETTER, OKAY? I’m very excited for Sam’s second book and even more so that the same police team will be in book two, it’s ALWAYS nice to have a continuation like that. I remember DC Mack, but I am struggling with the lass’s name (sorry DC whatshername). Though in my defence she wasn’t a big part of the novel (I expected bigger) so hopefully she’ll come into her own in the next novel and I’ll remember her name. This is a solid, solid thriller.