Written on Nov 12, 2017
*a copy was provided via Netgalley*
Erected by Desiree Holt is a captivating and fun erotic romance. It’s well-written and the characters stole my heart. Ness & Josh seem like normal average people that you might know in real life, BUT they have each had a string of bad relationships and have decided to close themselves off so they won’t get hurt again…
A very quick read, with a ton of hot, hot sex! I love the emotional connection between the characters. they are strong willed and explosive when they come together. There were moments of laughter and anguish, but all-in-all it’s a story about finding love and holding on to it. I wish it was longer! I can’t wait to read more from this author~
When you want a romance that will singe your fingers, Erected is the book for you! I highly recommend it!
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