Written on Aug 18, 2014
Isabel is a strong little girl who doesn’t have fear and goes into a situation ready to handle it. She encounters some creepy and dangerous foes, but takes them on head first…though I have to admit her disposition of eating monsters is a bit chilling. I find myself at odds with this one…in some cases it’s just a bit weird and in others I’m in love with it. I love that it’s a bit disturbing and that the little girl puts the monsters in their places, but holy-cow it’s weird.
The art is beautiful and a ton of fun to look at, and I love that the watercolors are so bright and vibrant. The book also comes with an audio cd with Ogden Nash reading the poem, which is a great addition since the cadence is a bit odd and I needed some help understand the rhythem.
Overall it’s a unique story with a lot of character and spunk.