Written on Jan 16, 2015
This book gave me all sorts of feels. I felt happy, sad, giddy, wistful, furious, worried, and glad. This is the story of Gracie's healing process. She continues to try and put her life back together after suffering from Noah's type of love. During her healing process, she discovers a whole new side of herself, but also uncovers some suppressed and painful events that had occurred during her time with Noah.
Just when I thought I couldn't hate Noah more, we find out he is just downright evil. I couldn't help but shed tears for Gracie. I am a sucker for a good survival story and it was delivered. I know I was tearing up, gasping, cheering, full of woe and full of pride, during Gracie's journey. Sometimes the experience was very painful, but Gracie's strength of character helps her end up on top.
Then, there's Jake. Just when you thought he couldn't get more perfect, he does. He is totally swoon-worthy and I love him ten-fold after this book.
And an extra surprise, we get Calon, the schmexy lead singer of Gracie's favorite band. He becomes a very important part of her healing process and we get an introduction to his story, which I cannot wait to read more about in book 3. Gracie's friendships, in general, played a huge role in this book and I loved getting to know all her friends better.
I have to say, this was a great way to wrap up Gracie's story and Jake and Gracie's love story. -- sigh --