Quirky Cat
Written on Apr 30, 2019
As mentioned, this novel introduces Claire. She's a null with a complicated backstory, but that just means she's perfectly suited for this world. Like our other female leads, she doesn't let that hold her back. If anything, it just drives her to work harder for a better life for herself.
This novella holds a special place in my heart for a very specific reason. It's the first thing I ever read by Karen Chance, and I was immediately sucked into the world. From here I went on to read everything available from both the Dorina series as well as the Cassie series. And I've been hooked ever since.
Buying Trouble was my introduction into the delightful world that Karen Chance has created. It was fast-paced and so much fun. I was immediately drawn into the conflict that Claire found herself in, and I'll confess I didn't hesitate to choose a side on the matter.
As far as introductions go, it was a pretty good one. I didn't know much about the world at large, but there isn't a whole lot of demands in this novella, so it was a good starting piece.
Claire was a fun character to learn about, and while I don't want to sound greedy here, I really wouldn't mind seeing more stories from her perspective (I'm really not hinting here, just trying to show how much I enjoyed this). She's strong and capable, and boy can she be sassy when needed. I adore all of that about her.
And obviously, I think her other side is absolutely precious. I know in time that she'll go from precious to terrifying, but I also imagine she'll be beautiful then as well. And I swear I'm not just saying that because I'm obsessed with the particular type of fae that she is.
I missed the Dory references on my first read through of this, because I didn't know who Dory was, let alone enough about her to pick anything up. This time around I was able to see and understand her mention, which was greatly appreciated.
I'm looking forward to continuing Dory's story in Midnight's Daughter. It's been far too long since I've read anything about her (and yes, I count months as too long).
Reread Commentary:
Toy/Weapon: Claire. No seriously, she did an amazing job nullifying those fae she came across, and so I feel like she should get the credit here.
Favorite chapter/scene/plot point: I normally don't say this, because it feels like cheating, but I'm going to have to go with all of it. Buying Trouble was the first thing I ever read by Karen Chance, so this one has a special sentimental quality for me.
Favorite quote: ““We’ve been known for centuries as the people to see if you’re serious about magical healing.” “Or the reverse?””
MVP (not including Dory): In this case I'm assuming that I can't have it Claire as well. So I'm going to go with Heidar. He went above and beyond trying to catch people that he thought were slavers (and technically he wasn't wrong there, he just happened to luck out on what night he showed up).
Interesting bits I noticed this time 'round: I honestly just enjoyed the whole read. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed reading about Claire. I would love to see more about her.
What further research did this book inspire (historical, mythological, etc): Nothing this time around, surprisingly. But then again this one was fae heavy, and I'm a wee bit obsessed there, so I knew a lot to begin with.
Unanswered questions: The short stories don't usually leave me with a billion questions, which is okay.
For more reviews check out Quirky Cat's Fat Stacks