Written on May 26, 2015
Okaaaaay, it's been a while since I read it and I haven't written any review for it. Think it's time to throw in the towel and just collect my notes into here so they won't be forgotten:
*I finally read it! I've been weary of continuing with the series because I know a certain spoiler for the next books and was too anxious to see it play out, but I did it now! :)
*This book kind of made my belief in Joe and Rose's relationship crack. I mean, Joe was just so... needy? I mean, he kept needing reassurances and like... I started feeling like this wasn't entirely healthy, if you know what I mean. But... I also felt like this might have been... intentional? I dunno.
*Okay, I swooned for Mason. I feel like I'm cheating on Joe by saying this but... yeah, I did.
*Neely Kate is awesome. Glad Rose found a friend! She deserves one.
*The killer was fairly obvious from a certain point on, and it was kind of annoying how everyone ignored key facts like the fact Rose came into contact with him in the courthouse. Meaning, he had some connection to it. Skeeter wouldn't be caught dead there, so...
*Bruce Wynne y'all lol.