Written on May 17, 2019
Well hello there Mr Brolly, I think it is safe to say you have got a new number one fan in me! How have I not read anything by you before?! This needs to be rectified!
I was sucked in from the opening pages with the tidbits of information you are given at first to Lynch and his life and a hostage situation with Special Agent Rose. From the get-go, the action and suspense is ramped up to such a high velocity I felt tired from reading it! To me, Lynch is Jack Reacher in his heyday! This man kicks ass, but with the added bonus he shows feelings, especially when it comes to Daniel, his missing son.
I was hooked (and breathless) on Brolly’s writing, it was so easy to follow and could imagine if this was a TV show I would be watching it as I absolutely adore this type of high octane action, such an adrenaline junkie when it is not me doing everything!
Not going to lie there are some bits in the book that were a bit gruesome and uncomfortable to read, but I must be desensitised to it all now (worrying thought), the power of these ritualistic murders hold on the Lynch and Rose and everyone around them was poignant. Each death served a purpose to deliver a message to the duo and both felt the guilt plus having to deal with the horror of what was in front of them. I loved that we experienced their feelings with the murders, we are briefly shown how the macabre scenes but the rest of it left to your imagination as you are swamped with emotion from everyone at the scene.
I really liked Rose, she was unsure who to trust but she and Lynch had a connection, which I felt worked and did not feel forced. Lynch’s backstory and what truly drives him, is a power that you do not want to mess with. To be made an example of by the FBI over the Railroads murders to find out the truth behind it all, this guy was not going to stop on his mission! Who is The Controller?!?
I am dying to read the next one, as the ending sets up for what is, possibly, yet to come! I have to know now! #Bookhangover but at least I can breathe again!
In three words
Kick-Ass Action