Written on Nov 4, 2019
The End!
This review will be the same…..
The End!
In all seriousness, this man can write! In The Demons Beneath he terrified us with demonology and in From Inside The House it is the terrifying thought of home invasions! This book gave me the heeby-jeebies! The mere idea of someone breaking into your home, sneaking around and then committing vile, gory and unspeakable acts that just sends shivers down my spine. I loved that we are not given all the information, hardly any side information and all the eureka moments or information that is discovered we are shown at the same time.
We are given an insight to the home invasions but these are from the eyes of the prey for the night, we feel their fear, the trepidation of what will happen next and we hold our breath for them, hoping just maybe everything will be ok and the sun will shine again for them. Buttttttttttttt….. NO that does not happen! Do not let Mr Jackson-Smart fool you, he is tricksy and he is dark and he will toy with your emotions, is ok to say that I love this!!! To show us some of the victims last moments is heartbreaking and what made it worse is we didn’t know, at the time, why they were being targeted.
I love being back with Graves and the team and after the cliff hanger from The Demons Beneath I was keen to see how everyone was doing. Short answer Graves is not good, visibly shaken with how everything played out (no spoilers here) and the ghosts are still lingering and someone does not want him to forget and the blame game is out in full force with this one! I still love that he is not the macho man, he is a “real” man, he is sick at a crime scene, he hates guns and he is scared to be in his own home but he is brave and he is loyal! I want Graves in my life…oh wait…scrub that from my review! Eek
It was great to see Charlie Palmer back, his dynamic with Graves is awesome how they play off each other, their insecurities and their friendship is one they both truly cherish. Amelia is back and this time she is proving herself and mentoring a trainee, it was great to have her back albeit it was not the staring role this time. We are shown a bit of Charlie’s past in the form of Kelly Malone, the journalist trying to get a break on the case too, trying to get herself in a primetime position! But could this put her in “Grave” danger? She is a woman who will do whatever it takes to get the big break, I can see why people don’t like her because of her actions. However, I didn’t mind, she is determined, ok some of her behaviour is not justified she just wants to get by. We also see Rachel, Graves’ best friend and knightness in shining (loved that saying!) and his sister Amanda is there in the flesh…but this can’t be good news, can it!
And I have to mention what an unfinished ending that was! It is left completely wide open for the next book. It’s so frustrating not being able to discuss the ending, but it is a whopper! Big and juicy and it leaves you salivating for Book 3…which I hear the edits are being done for. Not sure how much longer I could wait! So many loose threads that I am excited to see how they are going to tie up and I can’t imagine they will be nice and tiny ones.
From Inside The House is a hectic, wild, terrifying, page-turning, thrilling ride! It left me cold in the night as you assess every creak and sound in your house. Could it be someone in your house? Or is it just your house settling down for the night? It definitely makes you think! I also just can’t believe how quickly it was all over! I mean the book is just under 400 pages but with Mr Jackson-Smart’s writing, you feel like you have read a novella. That’s my only bug-bear it was over WAY WAY too quickly hrmph! You need Graves and Palmer in your life and so you witness their crime-fighting skills! I could gush so much more, I would wholly recommend this book to everyone, the series, in fact, if you can handle the scares the thrills, the gore go for it. If not why not push yourself outside your comfort zone and try it anyway, you won’t regret it!
Final note….go and read this blinking book! Thank you and is it a good night?