Written on Oct 28, 2014
My thoughts about Covet via Goodreads:
I started this one late last night and got about 20% in and went to sleep. Today, I finished it. I procrastinated and just let myself disappear into this book. Ms. Garvis-Graves always manages to pull me into her books by my throat. :)
This one has been on my Kindle for quite awhile and I wanted to read it before the next book in the series comes out 10/28. Mission accomplished!
Hours later, this book is still sitting with me. TGG's books always tend to stay with me afterwards and "stew" in my brain. You have to be a patient reader of TGG's books and understand that she is going to take you on a bit of a journey. I think we've become a bit ADD with our books and don't have as much patience for anything over 60k words. TGG needs you to be patient.
Enter Cherish, a follow up novella to Covet. I'm really glad Ms. Graves wrote this novella, it was an excellent bookend to Covet. I really don't want to give too much away, so I'm going to be careful with what I say here. I thoroughly enjoyed Cherish, I'm so glad that Ms. Graves decided to give Daniel and Jessie a fulfilling story and closure. :)
I will say that if you haven't read Covet or have been waiting, now is the time to read it. I think having Cherish to slide right into is the best way to go, because you'll want to read Daniel's story as soon as you finish Covet!
Purchase Cherish: Amazon // B & N // Kobo // iTunes
Purchase Book 1, Covet: Amazon // B & N // Kobo // iTunes
This review was originally posted on Straight Shootin' Book Reviews