What made this story so good was the fact that I knew almost instantly that the hero was not for me. At first, I was surprised that I was enjoying it considering the hero wasn't perfect (for me) but then I realised that he was perfect for her. While I really liked the heroine, I knew that I wasn't slipping into the story to play her part because we are completely different. My parents aren't movie stars, I'm not an environmental crusader, and I'm not a big fan of computer games. It was nice to sit back and enjoy their love story because I knew that he would drive me INSANE IN THE MEMBRANE!
The guy is an absolute goofball who doesn't think before he acts. He gets away with it most of the time because he's beautiful, rich and famous. He also pays a lot of money to his staff to get him out of trouble. Unfortunately, this time Beck's made a HUGE mistake and he's not the only one to pay for it. For the first time, it's going to take more than an irresistible smile and money thrown at his troubles to fix. Beck's going to have to grovel, beg and plead for forgiveness... and become Persephone the Giraffe's biggest fan.
Sarah has spent a long time hiding who she really is. It's not easy being the daughter of Hollywood royalty...especially when you're a wee bit geeky. When she unfortunately becomes embroiled in a tweet gone bad, Sarah decides to take the opportunity to bring a little attention to a good cause. If she has to deal with the fallout, at least she will be entertained and distracted by the grovelling underwear model who started the mess.
I'm really enjoying the Bro Code series and America's Geekheart kept me entertained from start to finish. The characters were funny, geeky, and completely lovable. The additional characters definitely made the story even better and I really hope we get more of the ex-bandmates love stories down the track.
I admit these stories are a wee bit OTT and Beck could be a little too immature. As I said above, while not for me, Beck's goofiness was perfect for Sarah. Her seriousness definitely balanced Beck's silliness and his confidence gave her more confidence. My favourite part of the story is Beck's absolute lust for Sarah and his confusion in others blindness to her beauty. I loved it when he took her makeup off because he wanted to see his Sarah... swoon.
Pippa Grant has again left me satisfied with funny, sweet and geeky love story. I will definitely be going on in the series, especially if I get more of the Bro Code bandmates.