Very. Much. Attached.
So often in adult historical romances (and perhaps this isn't so YA; Blackmoor is in his twenties, though kissing and embracing is as far as it ever goes), the heroines are well past their first seasons, perhaps "on the shelf" and usually have given up on the prospect of marriage. Alex's experiencing her first season and she has no desire to marry.
Heh. Oh. The strong ones always fall the hardest, no matter the gender.
But I loved the friendship between Alex, Vivi, and Ella. I adored all three of Alex's brothers (even when she did not). The three girls are bright, intelligent, and prone to fits of giggles, which frankly, sometimes you need to have a proper giggle fit. The mystery wasn't all that mysterious, but it was still quite fine and not completely predictable. I'm just a little disappointed that The Season is over and I have no more.
*wanders off in despair*