Based in Nigeria and the United Kingdom, Unbridled chronicles the story of a young woman, Ngozi, who suffers various aspects of abuse from her family. Ngozi Akachi is a somewhat regular village girl of exquisite beauty, light-skinned and haunted by the strange storm that ravages her village on the night of her birth - a story her mother would tell her repeatedly. She is sent to Lagos to live with an uncle after her innocence was snatched away from her by a member of her family. In Lagos, she suffers cruelty from her aunt and forges a strange friendship with another girl, Tiffany Okoro, who comes from a different world all together. And so her strange journey in life's lessons begins - a journey that would lead her eventually to England and the many trials she would face until she finds her true voice.
- ISBN10 1770095268
- ISBN13 9781770095267
- Publish Date 7 April 2007
- Publish Status Active
- Publish Country ZA
- Publisher Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd
- Imprint Jacana Media
- Format Hardcover
- Pages 264
- Language English