Written on Jun 24, 2017
This is the second book I have recently read, that dealt with a broken family in need of healing. I loved that Cassie's mom made such a bold choice to trap them in close quarters for such long period of time. It was a good choice, because Cassie was very angry, and something drastic had to be done in order to try and mend that relationship.
The added bonus of this taking place on a sailboat, is that we got to go on a pretty awesome trip along with the characters. I really felt like I was right there sight-seeing with Cassie and her caravan, and I was delighted by the sights and sounds of the west coast. I also liked that I wasn't really there, because there were some close calls, and those parts must have been written well, because I was scared for all the people aboard the boat.
I previously mentioned that Cassie was pretty angsty, and normally I struggle with this type of character, but Malone fleshed her out and gave her more than one speed. We were shown the angry Cassie, but we also got to see the fun Cassie, the generous Cassie, and the sweet Cassie. Malone also did a good job of putting us in Cassie's head, so I understood where the angst was coming from, and was also privy to the inner battles she was having with all her emotions.
You know how they say it takes a village? Well, it took quite a few people to help Cassie see her way out of this state. She was not accustomed to so many disappointments, nor was she used to them being this major. This was a HUGE thing she had to work through, and it took a while for her to face it all and do the growing up that was necessary to maybe not be at peace with all the changes, but rather to accept that they happened and try to keep moving forward.
I was really feeling all the evolving relationships in this one. This trip was such a plus for so many of the characters. It gave Cassie a chance to bond with her brother, and the whole experience really opened her eyes to how much he had grown up. It gave her a chance to mend her relationship with her mother. The loss that both mother and daughter were experiencing due to this rift was palpable. My heart went out to both of them, and I was really rooting for them, for the whole family to get to a better place, together.
Cassie also got to build a relationship with Jonah. Jonah won me over from his first time on the page. There was just something so special about him, and my goodness, he made me swoon, and swoon, and swoon. I loved the exchanges between him and Cassie. They talked, like really talked, and their connection was so obvious and real. He was a little damaged, but as with almost all our main characters, this trip was beneficial for him too.
I would love to say I got all the closure I needed from the ending, but I did not. *Sad face*. For those of you who have read my reviews before, you know this is a thorn in my side, because I need loose ends tied off. The ending definitely had things going in the right direction, but it was so open, and with this being a stand-alone, I am forced to imagine the perfect ending in my head.
Overall: A lovely story about accepting the hand the universe dealt you and leaning how to sail in.
**I would like to thank the publisher for the advanced copy of this book. Quotes are from an ARC and may change upon publication.