Written on Jun 14, 2020
So I guess good job being surprising.
And not surprising at all. Because well it was only a matter of time before Meira snd Mather get together. And Cordell’s dagger saves them, which I have seen coming done book two. And Angra attacks before they expect so all their careful plans are wrecked. It’s an awfully big book for everything to be so expected.
The good thing is it wasn’t drowning in repetition or endless cycles of internal monologue. There were some slow sections, but for the most part things happened and the story moved forward—not quite fast enough for me anticipating the end, but not horribly either.
In the end, it as interesting world in how the seasons persist. And I liked that and the way it changed the people who lived in each. There’s decent characters that were enough to carry me through the books, perhaps just. (Rares calling her dear heart every other sentence was annoying). I ended up skimming through a good chunk of the setting description which made that lighter. Somehow though, it wasn’t bad but.... well that last line of Theron’s feels kind of exactly right for the series. I’m sorry I couldn’t be enough for you.”