Amber (The Literary Phoenix)
18th century Korea is not a setting we see a lot... or ever... and I'm grateful that June Hur has brought this world to life. Hur is an #OwnVoices writer, born in South Korea, and has done some really wonderful research to bring this story to life. My favorite art of THE SILENCE OF BONES is how original the story feels - not, necessarily, in so far as plot? But as a whole offering, there's really nothing like it out there.
Is it perfect? No. The plot was extremely predictable, for starters, which hampered my personal enjoyment. Additionally, the characters were not emotionally-driven, and while there's nothing wrong with that, it something I struggle with as a reader (so no fault of the book, fault of the reader!). Finally, the pacing of THE SILENCE OF BONES is slow and sweet, which is wonderful in certain cases and for certain readers, but isn't ideal for me as a reader. None of these things should drive you away from giving the book a try, though, because it's all about personal preference!
Regardless of my personal enjoyment of THE SILENCE OF BONES, I came out of this book with respect for June Hur as a writer and I'm looking forward to reading more of her work as it comes out. This novel may not have been a fit for me as a reader, but it's clear that Hur is a skilled writer with something special to offer the market, and I'm super excited to follow her journey.