Cocktails and Books
I really enjoyed how the story of Rusty and Jenna started. I loved how it was two best friends dating/marrying two best friends, but the story took a bit of a weird and somewhat harsh turn to get Rusty and Jenna to finally figure out what they truly wanted and needed to say.
Jenna loves Rusty and she's pretty sure he loves her...despite the fact that he's never said those three little words. So as they prepare for their best friends' wedding by practicing a little celibacy, they both decided to use the time to turn the table on the other to show them what they're each missing. That was the fun part of the story. The two of them together were very hot and it was very enjoyable as they made each other squirm in their attempts to sexually tempt the other. And let me say, the scene with the bull....get a fan ready!
But the story took a weird turn when Rusty got scared after Jenna said those three little words. There was a horrible car accident and then the tragic events in the orchard. In both cases, Rusty and then Jenna pushed away the one person they needed to help them through what had happened. But did both of those things really need to happen in order to get Rusty and Jenna to open their eyes and let go of the past? Couldn't Rusty had just gotten drunk and spewed nonsense and then had to grovel to get Jenna back?
Despite the weird turn at the end, I still did like the story. If I let go over what happened at the end, I really did like the two of them together.