Written on Sep 1, 2011
Knitting Under The Influence tells the story of three friends: Lucy, Kathleen and Sari, who meet each week to knit and chat. Kathleen’s just quit working for her triplet sisters and is happy when her dad’s friend Sam finds her an apartment and a new job; Sari has dedicated her life to helping Austitic kids after growing up with an Austistic brother and doesn’t have time for love, especially not with Jason Smith, one of the guys who teased her brother in high school; and Lucy is happy with boyfriend James, at least she thinks she is and spends her days doing tests and things on rats in a bid to make the world a better place. There’s quite a bit going on in the book as we follow each woman in their respective lives as well as the times they meet up each week and at random times during the week. I found it incredibly easy to follow every one and thoroughly enjoyed each woman.
I thoroughly enjoyed the book, despite being over 400 pages long, it was a quick and easy read – despite the fact it took me almost a week to finish it on my Kindle. It was so easy to pick up on the story and the lives of the girls every time I put it down and picked it back up. The girls are great friends, but they also have their own separate lives. Sari probably had my favourite story, I thoroughly enjoyed the work she did to help Austitic kids to talk and interact and I loved that, despite not being a fan of Jason Smith, she helped his son Zack. I found it very interesting and absorbing as Autism is rarely touched upon in Chick Lit. Kathleen’s story was probably the most lacking, but I loved Kathleen nevertheless so I didn’t really feel it lagged the book down at all and the same goes for Lucy. I loved Lucy, despite her tendency to not eat! I thought her storyline was also very interesting – how many science people are in Chick Lit? – so it was lovely to get into the nitty gritty of science work and meet someone who isn’t a hairdresser or PA.
The characters in Knitting Under The Influence were excellent. Kathleen was my favourite character – there was something so great about the way Kathleen lived her life, the way she wasn’t necessarily bothered about bothering Sam, her neighbour, how she just let her life flow, although her speech about wanting a rich husband was crass. Sari was a brilliant character, too, I could understand why she was so protective of her brother and why she failed to forgive Jason and still held a grudge even after so long. Lucy was my least favourite – for a while I thought she was very cold, but she’s actually not so it was interested how my opinion changed of her throughout the book. I certainly misjudged her.
I really enjoyed Knitting Under The Influence. It had everything I wanted. It was warm, it was witty, the romances were excellent and everything I expected and guessed and it was a very satisfying read. Claire LaZebnik is an excellent writer and I can’t wait to dive into her other novels. I’ve already bought If You Were Here, You’d Be Home and if I like that I’ll most certainly be buying her most recent book. Knitting Under The Influence is a brilliant tale of friendship, romance and, of course, knitting – I’m not a big knitting fan myself, it always makes me think of little old ladies with clacking needles but it’s a surprisingly popular hobby for Chick Lit characters. Who knew? I’d definitely recommend the book it was a fun and quick read with some serious bits, too, and the Autism storyline is done really, really well. Definitely a good read and well worth your money!