Lorelei's Lit Lair
Phillip Mansfield is a man ahead of his time in terms of being fair about equality and as an employer, yet in matters of the heart he doesn’t tolerate deception or lies.
Eva and Phillip are a perfect match, both with great chemistry and their relationship quite passionate, yet some of Eva’s choices complicate matters that will affect their relationship. During the Gilded Age women obviously had many obstacles, not making it easy for Eva, who also carries the responsibility of her father’s health-and his legacy.
A Scandalous Deal kept me engaged from beginning to end, even though I didn’t agree with some of Eva’s decisions while justified at times.
Joanna Shupe’s writing style is quite descriptive and lively, making this story play like a movie while I read. It also made me want to find out more about the Gilded Age, and search on the internet about New York City during that time.
I look forward to Joanna Shupe’s next book.
I received an advanced copy from the publisher for an honest review.