Mystereity Reviews
Written on Apr 2, 2021
I loved this book! I loved that the main character is a man, and not only that, a very human and realistic man. I don't see that often in cozy mysteries, so I liked the change of pace. It's not hard to like and empathize with James, trying to grieve for his mother and help his elderly father while starting a new job at the library. I also loved how he was drawn in to the Flab Five supper club and the other four members are likeable and easy to relate to. I liked (and related to) Lucy the most because I also have a weakness for frosting. In fact, I have a can of frosting in my kitchen right now for the spice cake I'm making for Easter dinner tomorrow and it's taking all of my willpower not to crack it open and feast. Should've bought 2, I guess. Enough with my Roomba of Thought (as an ADHD'er I don't get the luxury of a train of thought, I've only got a chaotic and wandering Roomba of Thought) anyway, back to the review:
As for the plot, it was a cracker. On the day of the biggest high school football game, Brinkley causes a scene at the diner and is found dead the next day at the bakery. Lucy, who has been trying to work her way into being a police officer, has been shut out from the Old Boys Network working the case. Together with the rest of the Flab Five, they start investigating over diet friendly supper club meals. With no shortage of suspects who would be happy to see Brinkley dead, the story winds its way through the clues and leads before finally leading them to the culprit. I admit, it came as a surprise, and it was only at the end that the motive became clear. And that's why I think I enjoyed the book as much as I did, this wasn't one of my usual cozy mysteries where I pick out who did it pretty early on. I admit, I had no inkling.
Overall, an excellent mystery and I look forward to diving into the other books as soon as I clear my Currently Reading list.