Written on Nov 17, 2016
So my struggle often with a book that is set in the same world but with different characters is that I can’t let go of the other characters. So at the beginning of the book I’m still emotionally attached to the ending events of Forget Tomorrow. I’m like no Callie and then when I find out that there is a chance for her. I spent time being pissed at Logan. I couldn’t even read parts with Logan talking to other girls. I’m like nooo Logan you traitor how do you not wait ten more years! However once I really started to get invested in Jessa things evened out for me.
I love Jessa. She is so much like Callie but at the same time different. Both extremely strong and resilient girls. I love that they have a bond no matter what place and time they may be in. I also love how Jessa has her dare devil streak to her. She is so much more than what she thinks she is and I enjoyed seeing her grow to realize that.
Tanner, wow totally did not catch onto the name. Anyway I liked him from the beginning, I know he seemed over confident and cocky but it was good. He really changes and grows in the story because of the things he learns and what we learn about him. I really loved his development.
The plot of the series is so great and I loved how different things come together in Remember Yesterday that fill in questions from Forget Tomorrow. I can’t wait to see how everything comes together in the end. I don’t want to give anything away from it so I won’t go into details.
This is by far one of my favorite Sci-Fi reads. I can’t wait for Seize Today!