A wonderfully engaging and romantic comedy about Evie Crump and the residents of 18 Kemp Street...
When struggling actress Evie Crump inherits a sprawling Victorian pile from an old family friend in Camden, it would seem to be a dream ticket for Evie and best-friend Bing to escape from the leaky-flat-from-hell. Except it comes with a proviso: she may not evict the existing tenants under any circumstances. There's Bernard, a recluse, who doesn't know how to boil an egg; unforthcoming single-mum Caroline; and the mysterious A P Warne of whom there is no sight. And try as she might to focus on reviving her acting career and her love life (without falling for the charms of her leading man), Evie simply can't resist getting involved in the lives of her new family...
- ISBN10 1444727982
- ISBN13 9781444727982
- Publish Date 22 November 2004
- Publish Status Active
- Publish Country GB
- Publisher Hodder & Stoughton
- Imprint Hodder & Stoughton Ltd
- Edition Digital original
- Format eBook (EPUB)
- Pages 336
- Language English