If you've ever read one of Janet Evanovich's "romances" you'll know what you're getting with this one: light, fun, sweet with moments of madcap.
Kate has moved back to Keene's Harbour after her divorce with a plan to...
Read moreIf you've ever read one of Janet Evanovich's "romances" you'll know what you're getting with this one: light, fun, sweet with moments of madcap.
Kate has moved back to Keene's Harbour after her divorce with a plan to refurbish her parents summer house and open a B&B. In order to fund the renovations, she takes a job at the local microbrewery, working undercover to figure out who is sabotaging the owner, gorgeous and single Matt Culhane. The same man who owns the mortgage on her dream B&B.
As long as you don't look too deeply at plotting details or expect too much depth, you'll find a breezy, quick read. Jennifer Crusie is the undisputed queen of this particular genre, but this would not be a wasted check-out from the library.