Written on Nov 7, 2012
I loved it or at least really, really liked it. There are a few minor things that I wish was more flushed out, more...Read more
I won this book in a First Reads Giveaway and am really glad I did.
I loved it or at least really, really liked it. There are a few minor things that I wish was more flushed out, more brought out but it was such an enjoyable, quick, funny read. The story line isn't new or shocking or original. It was pretty standard fair but I thought it was well done and there's nothing wrong with liking this kind of story. The titled Husband list is mentioned only a few times and I thought the book would take a different track due to the title. I actually liked how the romance wasn't peddle to the metal like in typical romances. I felt the connection between the two and loved seeing it blossom. I found it sweet. Maybe this cynic has a soft spot after all. I must admit though I loved Jack's response to Romeo & Juliet.
I think it did the historical time very well and I think that shows from the romance, the clothes, the attitudes. It wasn't bogged down in a lot of information regarding the times or anything. It was mostly little things that kept it real for me like the ridiculous claim of having a Cherokee princess as a great grandmother. That's inline with the time and reasoning given behind these claims. Of course, that claim is still around passed down from generation to generation but anyone who does research knows that it's wrong. The story kept it pretty tight to what was needed for what was included in the story and left it as that. It was wonderful diving in and seeing how this outspoken woman would be in the time.
I found Caroline very funny and witty and liked her very much. Caroline does have the spoiled rich girl syndrome but let's face it, most of the characters do. Caroline does admit to feeling selfish and bad about it. The ending made her appreciate things and drove the point home to her. The ending and the mystery was a bit of a let down. I wish it was more thorough, and well, just more. The mystery was minor and the ending felt rushed. It was merely pages to wrap it all up and it really would have benefited from taking more time on it. Honestly, I was expecting more from our bad guy here as well. It felt so lame. It didn't match up to how great the story was going.
All in all though, I still enjoyed it. If there's another book about the sisters, I'd probably pick it up. (Though if there's another book and they don't go into detail about what happened in this ending, it will be disappointing.) I can see it going bestseller but the ending knocks it down from great to good.
I think this would be a great book for those who like historical romance though I don't think it's a proper bodice ripper. It's really a short, easy beach kind of read.
FYI : Admittedly, I loved Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series until she dragged out the love triangle, didn't progress Stephanie's character and the plots were just..ugh. So I give low marks to the later books and wished Janet had given the series a proper ending and kept up the standards. I've never read her other work and am tentative about her work due to the let down of Stephanie Plum.
I've never read a Dorien Kelly book. I'm not big in the historical romantic genre but I like exploring and delving into a bunch of different genres. I also haven't read the book Love In A Nutshell where the family first appeared. (Though after reading this book I am interested in reading it. )
So my context is reading it as a stand alone novel.
I loved it or at least really, really liked it. There are a few minor things that I wish was more flushed out, more brought out but it was such an enjoyable, quick, funny read. The story line isn't new or shocking or original. It was pretty standard fair but I thought it was well done and there's nothing wrong with liking this kind of story. The titled Husband list is mentioned only a few times and I thought the book would take a different track due to the title. I actually liked how the romance wasn't peddle to the metal like in typical romances. I felt the connection between the two and loved seeing it blossom. I found it sweet. Maybe this cynic has a soft spot after all. I must admit though I loved Jack's response to Romeo & Juliet.
I think it did the historical time very well and I think that shows from the romance, the clothes, the attitudes. It wasn't bogged down in a lot of information regarding the times or anything. It was mostly little things that kept it real for me like the ridiculous claim of having a Cherokee princess as a great grandmother. That's inline with the time and reasoning given behind these claims. Of course, that claim is still around passed down from generation to generation but anyone who does research knows that it's wrong. The story kept it pretty tight to what was needed for what was included in the story and left it as that. It was wonderful diving in and seeing how this outspoken woman would be in the time.
I found Caroline very funny and witty and liked her very much. Caroline does have the spoiled rich girl syndrome but let's face it, most of the characters do. Caroline does admit to feeling selfish and bad about it. The ending made her appreciate things and drove the point home to her. The ending and the mystery was a bit of a let down. I wish it was more thorough, and well, just more. The mystery was minor and the ending felt rushed. It was merely pages to wrap it all up and it really would have benefited from taking more time on it. Honestly, I was expecting more from our bad guy here as well. It felt so lame. It didn't match up to how great the story was going.
All in all though, I still enjoyed it. If there's another book about the sisters, I'd probably pick it up. (Though if there's another book and they don't go into detail about what happened in this ending, it will be disappointing.) I can see it going bestseller but the ending knocks it down from great to good.
I think this would be a great book for those who like historical romance though I don't think it's a proper bodice ripper. It's really a short, easy beach kind of read.
FYI : Admittedly, I loved Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series until she dragged out the love triangle, didn't progress Stephanie's character and the plots were just..ugh. So I give low marks to the later books and wished Janet had given the series a proper ending and kept up the standards. I've never read her other work and am tentative about her work due to the let down of Stephanie Plum.
I've never read a Dorien Kelly book. I'm not big in the historical romantic genre but I like exploring and delving into a bunch of different genres. I also haven't read the book Love In A Nutshell where the family first appeared. (Though after reading this book I am interested in reading it. )
So my context is reading it as a stand alone novel.