Cocktails and Books
Written on May 10, 2013
Sam was a character that took a while for me to warm up to. I really, really disliked same in Luke and Natalie's book. Even after she kind of redeemed herself at the end of their book (you can't blame a girl from trying to protect her little brother), there was still something very harsh about Sam that rubbed me the wrong way. But as she and Leo started to build their relationship, it she started to lose that harsh edge and showed her heart She was another one that had squishy center, but she hid it from everyone because she never felt she was special enough.
The With Me in Seattle series is one that I really enjoy. Kristen Proby creates these incredibly hot male leads that get you hook, line and sinker from almost the moment they step onto the page. I look forward to what she comes up with next and can't wait for Brynna and Caleb's story (I have to know what the mandatory family meeting is about).
Definitely one to pick up. Leo is worth it.