Written on Sep 24, 2016
Book two picks up right where book one ended. Honestly, please read the first book before you start book two. So much happens in the first book where you see not only events develop, but also the relationship between the two main characters of Trenton and Kallista. It will also explain a lot of how these two interact in the second book and how their friendship is challenged.
Speaking of second books, this is something this author does very well. He knows how to avoid the "2nd Book in a Series Curse". Every book series I've read by J. Scott Savage has avoided this curse and made the second book even better than the first. Gears of Revolution has an incredible plot that moves things forward, instead of of being plumped with filler to get us through until book three. There were so many things I loved!
-New Characters: I truly loved the new characters introduced in Gears. Meeting two new groups of people The Whipjacks and the Order of the Beast was awesome. My favorite new character had to be a Whipjack named Plucky with her feisty attitude that matched her name. I also liked the young, mysterious Ander who belonged to the Order. There's also another interesting character named Dimber Damber Cochrane who kept me, and Trenton and Kallista on their toes.
-World Building: This aspect takes a huge leap in this second book. We find out so much more about the world that Mysteries of Cove is set in. Readers also learn more about the history and happenings outside of the city of Discovery, also known as Cove. The revelations near the end of the book are quite shocking.
-Dragons: Yes! There are more dragons and I can't wait to learn even more about them. I love dragons and anytime they are in a book is a plus to me. But, they are becoming even more dangerous this time around.
-Changes in Discovery:(SPOILERS for book one) I was so happy when it was revealed about the changes that had taken place in Discovery since Trenton and Kallista had gone off exploring. Trenton returns to find out that being creative is no longer banned! He is shocked to see art work displayed after it had been locked up for so many years. There is also a happy surprise about Trenton's father that is revealed that I'm not sharing because I want you to be as excited as I was in chapter 27. Let's just say that Trenton soon realizes that he has returned to a very different city than the one he'd left.
Character Growth: Trenton is the one that makes so many amazing changes in Gears, not only physically, but changes in how he thinks about others and in his own levels of confidence. It's always so satisfying to experience that with a character.But,there is also a message at the end that Kallista shares with Trenton that I loved...
"I once asked my father for the best piece of advice he could give me...He said to give yourself permission to fail."
"That's real encouraging."
"It actually is," she said, ignoring his sarcasm. "Because if you only try the things you believe you can do, you'll only accomplish the things you already knew you could do. But if you give yourself permission to fail, you're free to try the things that seem completely beyond your reach. And that's when magic happens."
That was so insane it was brilliant.
What wonderful words for kids and adults to remember!
Over all, this book is so exciting: filled with action (Fighting dragons mid-air), intrigue (Who are the good guys and who are the bad? It changes throughout the story), mysteries (figuring out secret plans left by Kallista's father), and a rip-roaring ending that will leave you breathless. So when is book three coming out? I can't wait to read what J. Scott Savage has in store for his characters and his readers. This is absolutely a 5 star read!