Joni Reads
Written on Jul 12, 2010
Eliabeth has such an interesting life. Her personality is so entertaining. I wish she would be my best friend! Elizabeth starts writing to a student, Christina, who attends the public school three blocks away from the private school that she attends. While reading the letters to Christina we learn that Elizabeth's best friend Celia has a habit of running away in the middle of the night and has recently done just that. She has not contacted Elizabeth with her whereabouts and Celia's mother is not nearly as concerned as you would think she would be.
Along with letters to and from Christina, there are letters from an anonymous boy on her bus, letters from to and from her mother stuck to the fridge with magnets, and letters from made-up societys such as The Association of Teenagers and The Cold Hard Truth Association.
There are so many eccentric characters and just enough mystery that I couldn't wait to find out what happened on the next page! With Celia running away, then coming back, then running away again it was always a guess as to what was going to happen.
This book has comedy, tragedy, family drama, and even a touch of espionage. It is a very entertaining read that I recommend to anyone.