Written on Dec 19, 2012
The Berenstain Bears' Kitten Rescue:
I love the Berenstain Bears and have since my own childhood. Now as we are finding more and more fabulous I Can Read! books it only makes us excited to find new ones from the Berenstain Bears. The Living Lights Series is full of moral and Christian values that I am delighted to share with my kids. This specific book with the Good Deed Scouts is a stage 1 with simple sentences for eager new readers and from page one through the end is about hope and perseverance. I am delighted to have it on our shelf.
The Berenstain Bears' Neighbor in Need
This one is included in the 3-in-1 The Berenstain Bears' Good Deed Scouts to the Rescue. It is super silly. Starting out on the search for a good deed to accomplish the scouts end up caring for Mrs. Grizzle's yard and are in turn paid by her magic tricks. That twist in the story was a little odd but perhaps will remind the reader of someone and bring a smile.
The Berenstain Bears and the Little Lost Cub
Another one in the The Berenstain Bears' Good Deed Scouts to the Rescue 3-in-1. In their search for a good deed to do they come across a little lost cub. They see to it he is taken to the police station and then get flyers and search for the mother. Its an interesting reader to prompt discussion on what to do in lost situations.
As for the 3-in-1 book itself is fabulous. I love this idea and it is made pretty well. A step up from the last 3-in-1 I had from Zondervan while it still has a yellow spine instead of blue (to match all other Zondervan/HarperCollins I Can Read!titles) it does have a blue 1 on the spine. On toyed last one I had to add that. Hefty hardcover with no jacket that is built to last.
This is a title containing three individual titles from the Christian Living Lights Berenstain Bears series and I'm glad to add it to our early readers options.
Thanks to Z. Typed on KF. Looking forward to other 3-in-1 options for The Berenstain Bears in both I Can Read! and regular 8x8 format.
[bc:The Berenstain Bears: Faithful Cubs|16207384|The Berenstain Bears Faithful Cubs|Mike Berenstain|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1358135728s/16207384.jpg|22162840][bc:The Berenstain Bears Good Deed Scouts Help Their Neighbors|15740696|The Berenstain Bears Good Deed Scouts Help Their Neighbors (3-in-1)|Jan Berenstain|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1350415241s/15740696.jpg|21426942][bc:The Berenstain Bears: Bears Country Blessings|15740695|The Berenstain Bears Bears Country Blessings (3 Books In 1)|Jan Berenstain|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1347983504s/15740695.jpg|21426940][bc:The Berenstain Bears Treat Others Kindly|15857824|The Berenstain Bears Treat Others Kindly (3 Books In 1)|Jan Berenstain|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1350414061s/15857824.jpg|21607303]