Written on Sep 26, 2019
The Devil got his holiday…..well he got a couple of hours until he got summoned! Does this guy ever get a break? Just one more mission, just one “chore” for Him (or Her) and maybe he can enjoy peace…haha who are we kidding!
I absolutely love the way this is written, the Devil a petulant child almost sulking, wanting to get back down below and not be living and walking around with us. Instead, he’s tasked with trying to find a missing woman Medina Cade and along the way, he has to work with a police officer, cue side entrance from Laurie! I loved her sass and her balance with life at home with her husband Andy and her daughter Matty.
I could sit here all day and gush about how much fun this book is. It really is a crime thriller, it’s fast-paced and so high octane but the way it is written you fly through because it is that much fun. Even though everything about this book is dark and sinister when you read it it feels all light and happy! I mean how can murders, werewolf type people, riots be happy? There are tense times where you are urging the characters to get a move on, get out the situation but the Devil’s dry humour defuses the situation, almost like a Jack Dee humour! No time for frivolity, he has a job to do and wants it done yesterday!
I really enjoyed my second outing with the Devil, I did wonder how you could top a book which opens with a Pope farting, but Whitelaw has definitely achieved that! I just can not wait for my next trip out…I mean there will be a third won’t there?!?! I need to know if the Devil ever gets his holiday!!!