In this exciting, rip-roaring series of fast-paced adventures for 9-12s, a young teen from the present day finds himself sharing the memories and dreams of a boy from the 1930s...One of a small gang of junior sleuths masquerading as the all-seeing Invisible Detective. London, today: When fourteen-year-old Arthur Drake shelters from the rain in a dusty shop, the last thing he expects to find is the antique casebook of The Invisible Detective. It may have been written in the 1930s, but it's in his handwriting...London, 1936: Whatever your problem, the Invisible Detective can find the answer. He is a mystery, an enigma. In fact, the truth about the Invisible Detective is known by only four children with their own special talents. Meg can spot instantly if you're lying. Jonny can run faster than anyone. Flinch can squeeze through the smallest of gaps. The gang's leader, the boy who invented the Invisible Detective and writes his casebook, is Art Drake. Together the children use their special skills to solve crimes and mysteries. But who'd listen to a bunch of kids? Now the gang is about to take on their most sinister case so far.
When an incredible touring exhibition takes over their den, the Invisible Detective must deal with disappearing people, faceless bodies, and some deadly puppets...
- ISBN10 0743461452
- ISBN13 9780743461450
- Publish Date 2 June 2003
- Publish Status Unknown
- Out of Print 21 October 2004
- Publish Country US
- Publisher Simon & Schuster
- Imprint Simon & Schuster Children's
- Format Hardcover
- Pages 272
- Language English